About the Artist
Ryan Tuck is a full time artist based in the Midwest who focuses on the use of mixed media and atypical materials. He merges aspects of painting, collage, textiles, drawing, sculpture, printmaking and photography. As an art world outsider he has no preconceptions when making art and keeps an open mind to unconventional materials and techniques. He strives to combine seemingly contradictory materials in archival ways. He uses objects from the trades, like chains and washers, to connect with people not typically drawn to fine art, and strives to attract new people to the arts through his work.
Ryan documents the human condition, the natural world and urban life through storytelling. He juxtaposes the uncontrollability of life which everyone experiences, with the serenity that can be found in nature. He investigates these effects through photos and synthesizes this into artwork. His street photography bears witness to this complex paradigm and his mixed media art attempts to tell its story.